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Tips and Design Ideas

At some point, this page will contain an invaluable resource of page design ideas and helpful tips... hopefully!! :-) For right now, I'll just list a few of my own design ideas.

For more amazing tips, go to the Memory Makers magazine web site. There's a link on the (you guessed it) links page!

Design Idea #1:

"Fortunately, Unfortunately: A Decade in the Life of ME"

It doesn't have to be a decade, of course, but this seemed appropriate coming at the end of a decade. I went through and wrote (on note cards) "Fortunately" and "Unfortunately" statements that flowed together to give a fairly accurate idea of the past ten years of my life, making a quick note on each card of the photos I thought I had to fit that page. I then went through my pictures and refined each idea to fit the photos I actually had. :-) It can be a stretch at times to find something good in the bad - and sometimes it was a stretch to find the bad in the good! - but in the end I've ended up with a 28 page section representing the ups and downs of the past ten years of my life.

Examples (abbreviated):

"Fortunately, I met Ian during my internship at Riverside Hospital, and we were married a year later." (wedding pictures)

"Unfortunately, because I was on-call most of the time, we had to live within 15 minutes of the hospital in Caldwell. Ian worked 12 hour shifts in Wichita, an hour away, and had problems staying awake on the way home."

This unfortunately page was actually filled with very positive pictures - our garden there, a quilt I made for a friend, etc. The only "unfortunate" thing about it was the work situation. So then:

"Fortunately, Ian got a job with StarMed, a travel nurse company, and we moved to St. Petersburg, Florida."

This page had postcards from Tampa Bay and a picture of Ian and I with the moving truck, along with bright pink triangles in the corners, blue "splash" stickers, and flamingo stickers.

I also alternated black and white scrapbook pages for this section. Each color page has a "Fortunately" as well as an "Unfortunately," but it still gives a "good news/bad news" feel to the section.

Design Idea #2:

Storybook page

When my three year old niece told us a story of a skunk-dragon eating up a little girl, who then flew out of the dragon's tummy, I knew it had to go on a scrapbook page!

I took an 8 1/2" by 11" piece of paper which had a castle on it, and cut the castle out to fit on the left hand side of my 12" by 12" page. I put a picture of my niece in her "castle" tent in the top right corner of the page, and used stickers to illustrate the story at the bottom, next to the castle. Then I used Journaling Genie #11 ("Read All About It") to put a book, with her story written in it, above the illustration.

List of Tips

Feel free to e-mail me your tips for this section. I'm having a hard time really thinking of any other than this:

1. Rounded corners are a good thing.

2. Less is more.

3. "Done" is better than "It would have been so nice..."

I should take my own advice!  I haven't done any scrapbooking for about a year now.